Hello beautiful friend the guided meditation today is going to be for you entrepreneurs and creatives and artists and teachers and coaches who are in business for yourselves and are searching for the center point in what it is you are supposed to be doing.
May this offering go to just the right hearts today.
How to activate the Entrepreneur Heart Light
Closing your eyes and turning to your breathing, imagine that you are connected to the center of the earth by an energy thread. It could be a current, it could be a powerful cord. You are plugged into the center of the earth and with your breath, you can receive a sense of being grounded and connected. Perhaps it’s a sense of being plugged in.
With your breath, gently tune in to the center of your heart. It takes a bit of practice so feel free to pause the video. Let yourself tune to the place in your heart, the channel which knows what you love to do what you do in exchange for pay. Some of you are going to use your imagination to take yourself there because it’s not quite here yet in your day to day life – that’s okay – wherever you’re at on this journey, it’s still possible to get a beat here on what it is you’d love to do in exchange for pay. Stay with your breathing. See yourself doing what it is that you do. Perhaps you’re an artist creating paintings, perhaps you’re a healer doing hands on healing, perhaps you’re a coach speaking with people, or you’re a teacher helping others learn or you’re a consultant helping others to have ease in the workplace. Let yourself see in very simple terms what it is that you do. Stay with your breathing.
Once you have that, let yourself see the love and the joy that flows in from your heart into this offering. You can use your imagination as you do this. Perhaps there’s a white light that flows from your hands into your art or into your client or through your heart as you’re explaining a teaching. Imagine a beautiful light that extends from you to this offering to the other people. Spend some moments here making that connection.
Keep breathing. Allow the joy you naturally feel about what it is that you do to flow. Now, you may notice that there are some other voices here–or am I the only one? There’s some self doubt and some fear, and probably a very small child with a whiny voice saying, but I don’t know what I am supposed to do! Or, But nobody likes it! Or, But nobody buys my stuff! Or, But nobody wants it! Go ahead and give that little voice something to do right now and come back to this exercise of strengthening and aligning your heart and your joy with what it is you are here offering in the world. Stay with your breathing. It’s so easy to go into the fear and the anxiety, it’s so easy to tend to that part of your consciousness… but this is a muscle we must develop and this is the way we practice. We send out lines of light, lines of love, lines of joy into what it is that we do with our breath, with our intention.
And perhaps on the in-breath now, we can begin to express some gratitude. Thank you, I am so grateful that this is what I get to do, this is the service that I offer. Thank you. And even in this place if you have some questions around what the next steps are for you, this is the perfect seat to be sitting in before you ask. Isn’t it? Because so often we go in from a place of fear and anxiety and then try and make a plan and that is really like stinky, stinky, stinky that we then try to mast with deodorant, in an attempt to cover up the stinky. We can’t make a plan from a place of fear, we have to make a plan from a place of love.
So anytime, you can come back to your heart space and acknowledge what it is that you do in exchange for pay. Even if it’s just one clients right now, even if it’s just one painting right now, even if it’s just one idea right now, even if you’re “just” in your day-job right now while you are dreaming of the ocean you can’t wait to swim in…this is a practice you can do everyday, for a few minutes. Practice making the connection. Trusting that your people and your opportunities are there, but we have to make the connection, we have to make the linkup. And so much of the time we’re connected to our fear, panic, worry… and that’s like worshiping at a tiny altar and it doesn’t really do you any good.
Ok my friend. I am wishing you all the very best with this, remember you can listen again and again.