What We Can Do in Times Like These

what we can do in times like these

I have no interest in adding any more darkness in the world.

I will not contribute to the anger, the meanness.

I’m not interested in dissonance.

Don’t talk to me about the assholes who are making things worse for the world, instead tell me what YOU are doing to be a force for good.

Tell me what you’re doing to contribute something helpful.

Love is my dharma and I will practice this wherever I go. In times of personal conflict it’s my practice, when clients call with family drama and tragic loss it’s my practice, and in world events–hello racial inequality, hello mass shootings, hello bombings, hello Brexit, not to mention Hillary and The Donald, I am practicing too.

In times like these I ask myself the following:

Can I hold a vibration of love?

Can I stay in a place of bringing light to the darkness?

Can I keep abreast of what’s happening without participating in the madness?

Can I send love to all, not picking one side above the other, can I stay open, deciding to not decide good/bad, right/wrong?

If we can do this, then we are contributing something powerful.

When we choose love over anything else, that’s us making a difference.

Don’t underestimate the power of your love, it’s got a strong backbone.

It can be fierce.

Lots of times when we are setting boundaries and speaking uncomfortable truths, we are coming from a place of love. When we are unhooking from drama, disengaging from anger and even in some instances getting a little closer saying, this isn’t like you sweetie, what’s really going on?, we are acting from love.

Instead of churning on and dredging up the mud, I am choosing love.

Instead of marinating my own heart in the same poison others are dishing out, I will choose love.

It is not necessary to spew hatred or punch others in the face to make your point.

As we organize, as we take action, as we speak out…can we come from a centered place inside our hearts? Can we stand in our power and also offer love?

And, can we witness those choosing NOT to practice and still send love?

I vote yes.

I can do this and so can you.

And remember, sometimes it is for the best to love some people from afar and it’s not an unkindness to do so.


What we can do in times like these












Read my recent interview in Mystic Magazine here: https://www.mysticmag.com/psychic-reading/robinhallett-interview/