The Poopy Voice in Your Head Is Just Ego, Here’s How You Quiet It // Tea with Robin Podcast Episode 32

ego upset by robin hallett
ego upset by robin hallett

The ego upset and its stinky voice may never go away but we don’t need to freak! Here’s how we deal and love ourselves through it. Listen here or wherever you enjoy podcasts 🙂 Episode 32: Stinky Thinky, Win List, #lightworkerlove Hello, sweet friend! Seriously, it feels like I need to shout out a… …Read More »

Soul Gathering This Week!

Soul Gathering with Robin Hallett and Josephine Hardman

Hello, sweet friends! This Thursday I’ll be hosting Soul Gathering, a free healing event online for friends interested in their personal healing and growth. It’s totally free and pitch free too 🙂 This month’s topic is prosperity. What would it be like to ride in the energy of easy prosperity and juicy joy? And how… …Read More »