Forgive Yourself

Forgive Yourself

Hello beautiful Friend! Are there things you feel you need to forgive yourself for? Places where you’ve been unfair or unkind, things you can’t get over? Things about your personality, health, body, practices you keep judging, where you notice you’re not good enough and you don’t measure up? Forgiving ourselves for the judgment that we… …Read More »

Monday Meditation: All is Well

Monday Meditation All is Well

Hello beautiful Friend! Today I am sharing my favorite practice of all: All is well. Perhaps we don’t always realize how much we affirm the exact opposite in our minds… we chant along how NOT well all is! When the truth is: all is well. Let’s practice together today. It’s good for your heart and… …Read More »

Monday Meditation: What I Resist Persists

What I resist persists

Hello Friends! This is a quick meditation on releasing resistance and loving ourselves more fully. We don’t always see that our resistance to taking the next steps on our journey hurts us. Once we do, it becomes easier to let go and allow a gentle opening to inquire within: Is there something I can do… …Read More »